Centre for Sustainable Agriculture is knowledge partner of Organic Fach. Organic Fach is organized by Krishi Swaraj Biotech Pvt Ltd.

IISc-The Centre for Sustainable Agriculture organizes the Organic Fach every year in India to promote Indian organic production, its export, and the promotion of organic products from metropolitan cities to rural areas. The event aims to promote organic markets, such as organic haats and shops, providing a platform for Indian farmers, retailers, and wholesalers to connect with each other to further the promotion of organic and natural products within Indian society, as well as to boost the export of organic produce. Additionally, two national events and four state events (Organic Fach) are organized each year in India.
DOA (Delhi Organic and Natural Association)

Shri Manoj Kumar, Director
Krishi Swaraj Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
30A, Krishna Colony, Alwar
Email Id: greenfreshstayhealthy@gmail.com