Centre For Sustainable Agriculture: Krishi Swaraj
Training Farmers: Capacity Building on 4B
To Train Young People, Women and create Livelihood Opportunities
For Helping Farmers for Livelihood (Sustainable Agriculture/ Ecological Farming) is central to our mission. Achieving that mission starts with building the capacity of farmers on the ground to adopt more sustainable practices. (Focuse on 1. Vulnerable Community /Economical Weeker Section- PVTG, Worker; 2. Aspirational Districts (AD) 3. Tribal 4. Farmer 5. Women 6 Youth)

Farmers enhance biodiversity and use land responsibly.
Farmers operate an effective management system.
Farmers minimize the harmful impact of crop protection practices.
Supports farmers in developing a better knowledge and understanding of practices that minimise the potential harmful effects of pesticides and in adopting Integrated Pest Management technologies with an emphasis on the use of pest control techniques other than pesticides.
Farmers promote water stewardship:
Supports farmers in using water efficiently to consume and pollute less water; thus achieving greater yields and building their resilience to climate change while promoting fair use and allocation of water
resources amongst users beyond the farm, and up to the watershed level.
Farmers care for the health of the soil
Spports farmers in a better understanding and use of the soil. A healthy soil leads to significant increases in the quality and quantity of yields; to large cost reductions in fertilisers, pesticides and labour; and is a main asset for climate resilience.
Farmers enhance biodiversity and use land responsibly.
Supports farmers in conserving and enhancing biodiversity on their land; and in adopting practices which minimise the negative impact on habitats in and around their farm.
We aim to be a mainstream initiative and target improvements across a range of important issues associated with Livelihood (in term of Sustianable Agriculture) and Ecological Services on a large scale.
KRISHI SWARAJ works for Regenerative Organic Agriculture (Towards ORGANIC and Natural), in broad sense Ecological Farming.
GM is part of Conventional Agriculture whereas KRISHI SWARAJ is working on Organic Agriculture or Sustainable Agriculture so adopted a position of being “GM Technology- Neutral Approach” with respect to GM Seeds and will neither encourage farmers to grow it, nor seek to restrict their access to it. We do not oppose of law and rules in any manner. We understand Food Security is very important as well as Nutritional Security.
We promote Technology, Regenerative Organic Agriculture (Ecological Farming), Good Seeds and It’s Local Conservation (Community Seed Bank, Community Nursery), Cooperatives (SHGs) and Indian Traditional Cultural Values associated with Sustainable Agriculture in term of Seed Diversity.

Fig.-1 Diffrence among Conventional, Regenerative, Organic and Regenerative Organic Farming (Image taken from google search)
Fig.-2 Defination of Ecological Farming has broad sense in term of Diversity (Image taken from google search)

Fig.-3 Conventional to Organic (Image taken from google search)
Fig.-4 IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURE SYSTEM (Image taken from google search)