What are we looking for?

KS (Krishi Swaraj) needs help from individuals who want to donate their precious time and talent to save ECOLOGICAL BIODIVERSITY. Volunteers can work in any of sector according to their capacity and experience. Those who are interested in becoming part of ecological movement can associate with KS in various capacities as Volunteer, Intern, Supporter and Campaigner. KS will provide them chance to work intimately with communities, farmers, campaigners and social enterprenuer. It will be a life-time experience for all enthusiastic souls. KS has also undertaken broader issues of Agricultural crisis, Environmental health crisis and particularly the health impacts of intensive agriculture, issues related to Food Security, Loss of Traditional Knowledge, Seeds and IPRs, loss of traditional cusuines and Herbs, Foods, Local Water bodies, local ecology and ecological services and Supply Chain in agriculture. KS is constantly building a public opinion and civil movement through various public dialogues and discussions and engaging people from different walks of life.How you can contribute as a volunteer?

Whether you can help for just three to four hours per week, or many more, we can find something to suit your time availability and interests! Some examples:-

  • Contributing as a resource person.
  • Can give training to our women groups.
  • Maintaining mailing lists and other databases
  • You can work  among students and youth on environmental issues.
  • Creating posters, information sheets and other material about Organics.
  • Contributing articles for our website.
  • Do research on one of the topics KS is concerned about like natural farming, environmental health crisis.
  • Organizing awareness campaigns around the themes of natural farming, livelihoods, impacts of pesticides, GM food, environmental health and conservation of nature.
  • Short term snap studies on above themes.
  • Sensitizing urban consumers regarding organic products by KS farmers.
  • Help us in documentation work.
  • You can support  or sponsor an event, for KS.
  • Promote KS’s vision and objectives
  • Fundraising for community
  • Spread the message amongst your family and friends by discussing about our campaign and activities. 
  • Help us to update the website
  • Write articles in newspapers or magazines
  • You can sponsor any of KS’s campaigns

If you belong to other country, you can still help us from the place where you live. For more information, feel free to contact us.